20 years!

…since this blog was created. I feel both quite happy and somewhat old about that. I’ve probably not always given it the attention it deserves, but it has been a nice constant throughout the last two decades—a place to call home. I’ve likely done more redesigns than blog posts, but that’s one of the great […]

Day 16 – AI

Prompt 16/20 Blog: Tell us your hopes (or fears) for the future of AI in WordPress. Post your response on a WordPress website and link it in the comments. Hopes. I think this Tweet and video from Joe Hoyle sums it up pretty well. The conversational nature of it is something I think has massive […]

Virtuality in 2022

The very first post on this blog back in 2004 was around the topic of Virtuality. Whilst reading the Atlantic recently I stumbled across this, which seemed to better encapsulate virtuality in 2022 more than it did then. [This] is the real meaning of contemporary virtuality. In the virtual space, the technology combats and corrects […]


This is blog is now officially old enough to drink, so dogwonder.co.uk is off to the pub for a shandy. Where did all the years go eh? That also means this is 18 years of WordPress – although this wasn’t my first WP site but not far off. I think this started on version 1.2, […]

15 years!

Today marks the anniversary of the day I launched this site. 15 years ago! That’s like a century in internet time, maybe an epoch or two. 2004 preceded YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter and well, pretty much everything that we understand of the web today. I didn’t post here for many years indeed preferring those […]

Dogwonder IX

So this blog turns nine years old today. Still posting rather infrequently, but it’s still mine, and now the official company website. As per tradition(ish) I will re-post my first ever post, which still holds up imho as a way of viewing the web, by the much missed Jean Baudrillard “Virtuality, being itself virtual, does […]